Final Fantasy IX [15] – Gargan Roo

Gargan Roo is an old system of tunnels which used a giant insect called a gargant as a method of transportation. Before I could activate the system, I had to figure out a simple switch puzzle which professor Tot explained to me. It was really simple, so I don’t really consider it an actual puzzle.

Final Fantasy IX, Garant ride

I forgot to take screenshots, so this is the only one I have, sadly.

Once it was over, the gargant continued to move. Soon, the group got to Alexandria where they get captured by Zorn and Thorn. Steiner and Marcus are put in a cage, while Dagger is taken away from them.The ride started fast, but was stopped even faster, because the gargant got attacked by another monster. It wasn’t to hard too deal with, in spite of the low level of all my characters, so the fight was over relatively soon. The only strong attack the monster had was Blizzara and even that didn’t do too much damage.