Final Fantasy IX [5] – The Village of Dali

The village of Dali was another beautifully designed area. The area seemed like something straight out of a fairy tale, but as it soon turned out, it had a dark secret.

Final Fantasy IX, Village of Dali Intro

I love these intros.

I got back to the village and payed the innkeeper. Everyone decided to go for a walk, which meant I had plenty of ATE’s to watch. Garnet was trying hard to act like a commoner so no one would recognize her, Steiner did his own thing, trying to find a way to get Garnet back to Alexandria and Vivi was simply admiring the sights.The group decided to stay at the local inn, so that’s what we did. Before I did it, though, I decided to leave the village and get to the lighthouse nearby, where I remembered from my last play through I could get some items and hints of a side quest. There was an old man there who collected rare coffee beans, so he offered me a miniature of the Tantalus ship in exchange for some beans. I didn’t have any yet, but I made not of this so I could return later. As I said, there were some items, but nothing really important.

Throughout these events, it was becoming obvious the villagers had some sort of issue with Vivi, and eventually, he gets abducted. I went to look for him with Zidane and Garnet and soon found a latter leading into the underground.

Bellow the village was a large factory, creating something out of the mist, or possibly using just using mist to power the machines which were creating something – I didn’t really understand this part completely. I found Vivi locked in a box and decided to keep exploring to figure out what was going on. Eventually, the horrible secret was revealed. The villagers were creating black mages which looked very much like Vivi. This is why they abducted him – they thought he was one of them. Even worse, they were being produced for Alexandria.

Final Fantasy IX, Village of Dali Factory

Seeing this made Vivi very upset.

The fight wasn’t to hard, thanks to Garnet not being targeted at all the entire time. Zidane just kept stealing, while Steiner and Vivi did the damage.In the meantime, Steiner got to the lighthouse by himself, to ask the man there when the next ship to Alexandria will be arriving. It just so happened that one ship just landed (we’re talking airships here) to pick up the latest merchandise. Everyone regrouped at the landing site and decided to get on it after Steiner told them the ship was going to Lindblum. Before we could get on, though, we had to fight another Black Waltz, Nr. 2 this time.