Final Fantasy IX [6] – To Lindblum

When everyone got to the ship and Steiner decided to get to the upper deck, it was immediately clear he didn’t trick anyone. Both Garnet and Zidane figured he was lying and the ship was actually heading to Alexandria. Of course, Zidane was planning to turn the ship around.

He went to the upper deck to do just that, but soon after, the third and final Waltz attacked. All of the manufactured dark mages decided to go and fight it for some reason, but it destroyed them easily. Garnet had to sit this fight out, because someone needed to pilot, so instead, I used Vivi to heal with potions. He was getting hit hard by the Waltz every time I tried to cast a spell with him, so it was probably for the best. As usual, Zidane did the stealing and Steiner did the damage. The Waltz was down soon, but not dead yet.

Final Fantasy IX, Black Waltz Charging Up

Just beautiful!

In any case, we finally got to Lindblum. The story will get a lot more complicated now, and I’ll finally get access to a cool new feature – item synthesis.The scene shifted to a small ship following the group, piloted by Zorn and Thorn, the queen’s fools. Waltz scares them off and takes their ship, starting a pursuit. Both ships race for the southern Lindblum airship gate, but only the party’s ship manages to get through before it closes. We got away, but the gate got severely damaged in the process.