I installed it a bit after the exams and I love it. The game looks and plays amazing. The story is interesting and the gameplay is fun. I went through the starting areas, fought the Scarecrow and saved the commissioner. Last time I played I was in the sewers and just had my first encounter with the Croc. I haven’t played it in a while ‘cause of WoW but I definitely plan to play this one allot more.

I have to admit, I’m a sucker for Gothic style games. This one has all the fun of Gothic  1-3 with the graphics of the third game and without the crappy engine. I installed the game and played it exclusively until completion. It has its quirks, but all in all it was a great experience. Hopefully this won’t be the last of the genre.

No idea what to say about this one. It’s a 2D RTS of a sort. You start with a few seeds and a tree on an asteroid or a meteor or something and then you grow more seeds, colonize other asteroids and fight other seeds. It’s a really simple game, but for now it looks fun and the story seems kind of interesting. Also, the game looks stunning. The simple vector style graphics make it feel more like art than a real game. I don’t know about completing it, but I will definitely play some more.

Since Cataclysm is coming out, I decided to refresh my mind regarding the lore of the series. I don’t really feel like fighting with the archaic engine of the first 2 games, so I decided to read books and other stuff on those. As for the third game, I plan to complete both the original and the expansion.

For now, I completed the Prologue, the Human campaign and the first level of the Undead campaign. I will try to complete the Undead campaign tomorrow. Not much to say about the game otherwise. Everyone knows it’s great.

Brewfest is ON! I went to the Ironforge beer garden and did the introduction quests. Then I did a few beer runs, an add service and helped defend the beer from the Dark Iron Dwarves. After that, I got a quest to go kill Direbrew who was responsible for the attack. I got a group of 3 other people and we went to Blackrock Depths to find him. He wasn’t hard to kill, and we did it four times, but he didn’t drop any mounts. I really want the kodo mount, so I will be killing him every day.

I did get 2 nice trinkets. One is basically a copy of the Mirror of Truth, but it’s named differently so I can carry two now. The second is a nice trinket that grants 175 stamina, which isn’t that important to me, but it can also summon a female dwarf that heals my entire group over time. Hopefully, he will drop different stuff tomorrow. I need to gather a total of 550 emblems in order to get the meta achievement, so I will be busy for the next few days.

I played this one a lot today and I still like it, so it must be pretty good. I recruited an amazon warrior in my group. She helped me kill a bear in the nearby cave, save a wizard that got lost there and also kill a pack of wolves. After that, we went on to find a guy that stole his girlfriends diadem. It turns out he did it in order to save her life and now he’s in trouble, so we helped him and he joined our group to.

Since we had a rogue now, I went back to all the places I’ve already been to unlock some chests I couldn’t before. I also learned Alchemy, Blacksmithing and Bowyer skills and finally, after clearing everything I can in the starting area, went on to the town I’ve actually been trying to get to. I was attacked by wolves on the way there, but they were easy to dispose of. Before entering the town, I found out that our rogue is wanted by the guards so he needs to sneak in. We agreed to meet him inside.

I must admit, I’m stuck. Most of the levels I completed with no trouble and now I have five of them left. The only one I can access is The Eternal Love where there’s a Skeletal King Boss.  I tried slowly building up my army and it does work, but after a while the boss just waltzes in my town and destroys everything. Enemies attack from all sides, so I really don’t have time to build up my economy properly and train my heroes to a high enough level. I’m guessing I need to rush some areas, but I’m surrounded by temple grounds guarded by elementals, so I need to pay close attention to my heroes to keep them from dying. Anyway, I’m to tired for another try now, so I will continue again tomorrow if I get the time.

I installed it last night just to try it out, but I think I will be playing more of it. It’s nice and complex, and it reminds me of the classic CRPGs like Baldur’s Gate. You can get experience trough dialogs, and it’s not all just hack & slash which is why I like it so much. Hopefully, it’s not just the intro of the game that’s nice like that.

I installed it this morning and I love it! It’s just like Majesty, except with better graphics and interface. It also seems a bit easier than the first game, but I don’t mind. I completed about half of the missions already, so it will probably get completed soon. By now I killed a baron who was working for the demon lord, some evil mage guy, a dragon, and an ogre. It’s just pure fun.