I stumbled upon this gem on YouTube. Today I installed and completed it in one sitting. It took me probably about 8 hours, but I did it. It’s a 2D action adventure with RPG elements. The game is similar to Castlevania on the GBA and DS, as well as Super Metroid. There are a few differences though. First of all, the game has levels. You can revisit them as much as you like, and you are encouraged to do it, as there are plenty of items you can’t get in the first run. Second, and more important, the game is beautiful. All of the backgrounds are hand drawn and in high resolution. The level of details is amazing. The characters are nicely animated and everything looks completely smooth. 

In the style of Castlevania, you unlock new abilities as you progress such as dash and double jump, which in turn allow you to revisit all levels and discover paths to new ones, as well as collect some nice items. You also gain experience and levels which further improves your character. There are a couple of spells and various skills in the game, and there is an option to buy potions that increase your stats, so if you like to grind you will feel right at home. I might try grinding later, but right now, I just tried to collect as much items as possible and complete the game. It gets hard at times, but it never became frustrating for me. Most of the times, I died because I got impatient. Anyway, If you like nice 2D games, this is probably one of the best you can get on the PC right now.

Anyway, look at the trailer and see for yourself.

It’s been a while, and allot has happened. I did plenty of heroic runs, including Naxxramas and some raids, which got me lots of gear for my dps and my healing build. I can now heal trough most heroics without problem, but I still lack the mana for longer battles. I was also doing daily quests for various Northrend factions, as well as for Argent Tournament and Outland cooking. I lack 2 Outland cooking recipes, but I have completed most Northrend cooking achievements. I am also an exalted champion of Stormwind, Gnomeregan, Exodar and Darnassus and I will be the champion of Ironforge in two days.

Most Northrend factions revere me now. All I am missing are the Frostborn, the Frenzyheart, the Wyrmrest Acord and the Sons of Hodir. The Frostborn will take the longest, as they only have a single daily quest.

After reinstalling Windows, I lost the save for this game, so I had to restart. It didn’t take long for me to catch up on what I lost, and now the game is completed. It took about 40 in game days, mostly because I decided not to let any battles run out of time. I got the 3 terminator armors, but honestly, I think only the force commander had any use out of one of them. All other characters became weaker after putting them on.

Anyway, it’s a great game and I recommend it to all the RTS and RPG fans, especially if you are a fan of both.

I’ve spent most of the time trying to catch the three legendary lake Pokèmon. Before that, I realized I was missing a Rotom and a Tentacool. The first one, I missed because I was going through Eterna forest during the day, but the second one, I don’t know how I missed.

Anyway, after catching Rotom and defeating a Tentacool, all I was missing are the three lake Pokèmon. I managed to catch the first one easy, but the second took a long time. I had to waste about 40 dusk balls to catch it, but in the end, I got it. The third one, Mesprit, ran away, so I now have to chase him all around the map. I did get his entry in the Pokèdex, so this means the Pokedex was completed. 

I reported this to professor Rowan, so professor Oak arrived and upgraded my Pokèdex to national level. I hope this means I get to catch all of the original 150 Pokèmon.

I went to all three lakes and fought Team Galactic commanders there. Afterwards, I had to follow them to the Galactic HQ and defeat the boss there. For defeating him, he gave me a Master Ball. I followed him to Mt. Coronet, where he opened a portal to another world. In there, I fought Giratina. I reloaded my game several times to try and catch it with a Dusk Ball, but after about 40 of them wasted, I decided to use my Master Ball. He was doing way to much damage to me and I didn’t have a paralyze attack, so I saw no other choice. Anyway, now I have a Giratina, but I’m not using it in my main team. I want to win the game without legendary Pokèmon.

Also, somewhere along the way, I won the seventh gym badge and my Pichu evolved to Pikachu. He is now around level 40.


Today, I continued on to win the eight gym master. Thanks to Garchomp and his Earthquake move, the electric type gym was the easiest yet. Afterwards, I got HM7 Waterfall and continued to Victory Road and the Pokèmon league. After defeating my rival for the last time (I hope) I continued to fight the elite four and in the end, Cynthia. The elite four where easy, but Cynthia took a few tries to defeat. After defeating Cynthia, my name was put in the Hall of Fame list and the credits started rolling.

So I loaded the game after the credits and started in my room again. My rival said that I need to get on a ship in Snowpoint City so I guess that’s what I’m going to try next.

I got the sixth gym badge which means I can now use Strength outside of battle. I also got a new egg, but it didn’t hatch yet. I also got a Pichu as a fourth team member. I’m trying to raise his friendship in order for him to evolve in Pikachu. I don’t want to train it until he evolves, so he’s pretty much useless right now. I also caught a Tropius in order to use him as a HM slave. He can learn most of the HM moves, but since 4 is the limit, I’m also using a BIbarel for the same thing.

I got my fifth gym badge today. It was a bit tough, because the gym leader used water Pokèmon and I only had Infernape with a grass TM move to fight them. He did get allot of levels out of it, so it ended well. I leveled my Psyduck to 33, which made him evolve to Golduck. Now my team is pretty strong, but its only 3 Pokèmon, so I need to find a fourth one that can handle the weaknesses of the current 3. I have 2 other Pokèmon in my team, but they are only used for HM moves. Also, I finally got my Pal Pad, so if anyone reads this and actually plays this game (the odds are slim), add me to their friends roster, please!

After completing Wanted, I decided to try this one. I like it very much. It’s kind of like Warlords Battlecry, but with everything greatly improved. I’ve got a total of 5 squads now all on level 4 or 5. I finished all the beginning missions on the first planet and have just gotten to the second one. I think I will enjoy this one.