Larthas has spent the last two days earning gold trough quests and mining. Today he finally saved enough to train his riding skill. That means he is now a proud owner of his own Charger. While doing all these things, he reached level 64. Pretty soon, he will reach level 70, which means it’s time to start thinking about buying Wrath of the Lich King. Money is scarce though, so he won’t be buying it quite yet.

I played for several hours today and completed the game. I won’t be deleting it from my system yet, as it has a coop mode as well as a bonus level where you shoot Nazi zombies. It’s a great game, just as good as the previous installment (if not better). Only problem is the shortness. It took about 6 hours in total to complete it. There are off course higher difficulty levels, but I’m not that interested in FPS games. I play them mainly for the story and presentation.

Since I completed a game, I decided to start a new one. I played the first one on the first play station years ago. I liked it allot, and I think I will like this one as well. I finished the tutorial and collected a fire and a wind divine beast. I will play some more tomorrow probably.

I got it a few days ago and finished about five missions. The game is every bit as great as the previous installment. The graphics are great, and the presentation is flawless. The control scheme is complex enough to be interesting, but simple enough not to slow the progress of the game. I’m definitely …. fragments lost to history. Seriously, I’ve only now, in May of 2013 realized there’s a huge chunk of this posting missing. Oh well, you found an easter egg if you got here! 😀

Since PCSX2 has advanced quite a bit, I think it’s about time to add a new category for my games – the PS2. Most of the 2D games now work perfectly, and I can also play allot of the 3D games. Finally, I can play some of the classics!

I got this one today. I’ve reached the third area of the Weapon Mode, and unlocked a new character called Yoshimitsu. I haven’t played the first installment of the game to much, so I don’t really know the setting. I do like the control and speed of this fighting game. I almost like it as much as Tekken.