Larthas has reached level 59 today. He hasn’t been to Outland yet, but is planning to go there soon. He also defeated Onyxia with his guild. Pretty soon, he will have his new mount, and then it’s party time. Also, the Lunar festival has started, so there’s a bunch of achievements to collect.
Mirror’s Edge (PC) (COMPLETED)
A great game, but very short. Maybe that’s why I find it so good. It’s like watching a good thriller/action movie. Non-stop action until the very end. There was an annoying boss fight I had to complete, but all in all, I liked every moment of playing. If you like a good action game with not too much fighting, you should try this one.
Mirror’s Edge (PC), Part 1
I installed this game today (and uninstalled MySims which I find boring). This one I like. Some people say it’s bad because all you do is run and die a lot, but after playing for 4 hours on normal difficulty I find I don’t die too much, and I love the running part. The graphics in this game are great, and it performs great on my PC. I had some problems at the beginning, but it was nothing I couldn’t fix. If you like the jumping part of Prince of Persia games, you should like this game.
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 8
Larthas has reached level 55. He spent some time helping a low level buddy of his with some quests and did allot of PvP battlegrounds. He hopes to complete a dungeon in Blackrock Mountain pretty soon and is planning a raid on Sunday.
MySims (PC), Part 1
I installed this one today. It’s a bit like Animal Crossing, but I’m not really sure if I like it yet. I’ve built my home and my workshop and met some of the residents of Funville. Also, I’ve made a podium for the mayor and got a pot plant and blueprints for an ornate chair in return.
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 7
Larthas is almost level 52 now. He cleared the Sunken Temple and is currently turning in some low level quests. Pretty soon he will be able to go to the Outlands (sometime next week, I hope). Also, he barely even tried PVP, so it’s about time to look at that aspect of the game.
Defense Grid – The Awakening, Part 1
It’s a tower defense game with great graphics and a story. I played a few levels and, for now, I think I like it. Since it shouldn’t take to long, I’ll try to complete it.
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 6
Larthas is now level 48 and is currently residing in Gadgetzan. He did some quests there, which involved traveling in other areas of Kalimdor and even the Eastern Kingdoms. He also cleared another dungeon full of trolls. He hopes to reach level 50 today.
Prince of Persia (PC) (COMPLETED)
I returned to this game today and completed it in one go. After the first roll of credits, I decided I’m not happy with what happened, so I did a very bad thing. I didn’t like the ending very much, but I sort of expected it.
I would recommend this game to everyone. Don’t listen to the idiots who say it sucks because it’s too easy or simplified. I had fun the entire time I was playing it, and in the end, that’s what counts. It’s a fun, fast paced game with a nice story and good humor. Anyone who enjoys something like that will enjoy this game.
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 5
Larthas is now level 41. He has cleared Razorfen Downs, and can now wear plate armor (since level 40). He also saved Metzen as a favor for Grandfather Winter, so he can now turn his horse to a reindeer. He got a nice weapon in Razorfen Downs which he is now using.