For the last few days, I’ve been mostly playing Civilization IV, so nothing special there. I’ve also played some other games.

Far Cry 2 (PC)

Reached 52% on Far Cry 2 and stopped there. The game started out good, but now it’s getting really boring, really fast. It’s just the same old thing over and over again. It turns out I got it a bit wrong. Those faction leaders weren’t really faction leaders, but just the local bosses, so there’s a whole bunch of guys to kill. I also got a few new buddies. I hope they won’t die this time.

The Witcher – Enhanced Edition (PC)

I started the original, but never completed it. Since this came out, I decided to try again. I didn’t play much; just the tutorial intro, up to my first meditation.

Final Fantasy XII (PCSX2 – PC)

Since some PCSX2 plugins got updated, I can finally play this game on the PC. It works almost flawlessly. In five hours of gameplay, it crashed only once. I got to the part where I have to save Penelo with the airship. Vaan is level 10.

Since I haven’t been playing coop for a long time, I decided to try it solo. It took me two hours, but I started and completed it today. It was on easy, so I’ll try on a higher difficulty later. I unlocked all of the standard challenge stages and two secret ones, so that’s another thing I can waste my time on. It’s a great game, so I’m really looking forward to the 3D sequel.

I installed this one about two weeks ago, but I haven’t been playing it much. I don’t know why, because the game is excellent. I played almost the entire day yesterday and got the story 22% complete. I also completed a bunch of side quests, and finally got a new stash of malaria pills. One of my buddies is now missing in action, sadly. I didn’t notice he was in trouble, so by the time I realized it, he was already gone. I don’t know if he comes back after a while, so I’m doing missions for other buddies, including the one I saved recently. I will try to play some more today.

EDIT: I’ve completed 42 percent of the story and got to a whole new area of the game which is, as far as I can tell, as big as the first one. I lost all of my buddies in a gunfight, but I think that’s how it was supposed to happen. The leaders of both factions are now dead, so I’m not really sure what will happen next.

Yes, a new Castlevania game! It’s a bit different than the other ones, but it’s still Castlevania. I started playing it today, and have already defeated the first two bosses. Right now, I’m on the prison level. The second boss was a bit though, but once I memorized his attacks, I managed to defeat him without taking too much damage.

This one was on my PC for almost a month. I finished a level or two every day, so last night, I completed the last one. It’s a fun indie game, in which you build structures using various goo balls. The physics make the game fun. Since it’s an indie game, please support the developer as I want World of Goo 2! 

This is a sequel to the game that started the Heroes of Might & Magic genre. It basically plays the same, except you move around the map in real time. The battles are similar with the addition of spirits you can summon. Units have various special skills you can use, and the hero casts spells on the battlefield. There are lots of quests and things to explore, so it doesn’t get boring. My hero is a paladin now on level 10. I’ve fought the first boss battle, and tamed the first two spirits of rage. I’ve been playing it for over a week now.

For the past few days, I’ve been playing this with a friend. We’ve finished musou mode with two characters, and got to the last mission with a third. It’s really fun to play, and the graphics are much nicer than in Samurai Warriors 2. This one will be played for a long time. The only thing I miss is the shop from Samurai Warriors 2.

I had computer trouble for the last month, as well as other obligations. That is way I haven’t been able to write here. I did play some games, though. Also, since I have a new computer now, I decided to reset my PC “Currently playing” list.

While away, I’ve completed the main Disgaea DS story, which opened up Etna mode. I’ve also completed Gears of War for the PC. I’m currently playing Far Cry 2 which I like a lot, as well as some other games.

This is all I’ve been playing for the past few days. I’ve played a total of about 20 hours and reached Episode 7. Laharl is definitely my strongest character, since I’ve been upgrading his equipment trough Item World. I also have a healer that has learned fire and ice spells from his pupils, an axe warrior, Etna and, off course, Flonne. There is a few other characters, but I’ve been mostly using them as spell trainers and cannon fodder. I do, however, plan to train a Prinny to a high level.

In order to continue further, I need to level up an item to level ten. I decided to try with a basic monster claw. I actually managed to go to level 10 in one go, but I couldn’t complete it, so I had to use an escape item. I’ll return there later with my entire party. Off course, I managed to subdue a few specialists while traveling there, so I can now transfer them to another item, since this one is completely useless.