Awesome! I finished the second episode of the story, so now I have an Angel Trainee in my party. Aditionally, I haven’t mentioned that I have a Warrior named Idiot, and a Cleric named Generic Healer in my party. The “Idiot” is just so the game can call him an incompetent idiot when I try to delete him, and the “Generic Healer” is so I can point out that I have only one use for her. I just love the game and the fact that you’re playing the, for now, evil side.

This is the game I’ve been waiting for. It’s every bit as great as the PS2 version, except there’s fewer voices here. I’ve completed the tutorial, created a fighter and a cleric pupil and got all the way to the first boss level. There, I got my ass handed to me by his minions (the mage is a pain). Then I started training for a while, and got some nice items. I will try my luck again tonight.

Since I have DSL here in Germany, I tried to play an online game. I won and my rating has now increased from starting 5000 to 5067. I may try to play some more later.

EDIT: I’ve played some more. First I won a game, which got me to 51xx (close to 5200). Then I lost about five games against some Japanese dude. He was high rated, so I dropped to 510x. Then I won a lengthy game against some player with a hearth in his name. This got me close to 5200 again. Meh!

I finally got the latest and all the previous expansions. The game is about ten times better now (and it was excellent without the expansions). I played trough the first campaign mission, and saved in the middle of the second one, as I have to prepare for my trip to Germany tomorrow.  

There will probably be fewer posts for the next three to four weeks. I will, however, keep playing all the new DS games that came out. There’s plenty of those (and some are yet to be released), so I won’t be to bored without my laptop. I just hope I manage to get it completely repaired.

My herbivore race of Giant Intelligent Bunnies has reached space age. I went herbivore all the way and didn’t die even once. All of my buildings have a vegetable theme and the bunnies even kind of look like bunnies.

In other news, I’ll be going to Germany tomorrow and my laptop will go to repairs, so I won’t be able to post as often. Off course, I will mostly be playing my DS.

I’ve been playing it all day yesterday and today. That’s how great it is! I’ve gained the badge of omnipotence and have met the Grox which is a super advanced race that lives in the center of the galaxy. I’m not really sure what my goal is, but I think it’s to reach the center. I guess that means I have to fight the Grox to get there, which is not going to be easy.


I bought a bunch of repair and energy packs and decided to make a run for the centre of the galaxy. It was tough, as my ship’s range was greatly reduced due to gravitational disturbances as I neared the centre. I even had to go back a few times to take a different path. In the end, though, I managed to reach the centre. There, I met an alien named Steve, who welcomed me to the company of advanced races in this universe. He also gave me the Staff of Life. This nifty item has 42 charges which is the answer to the Ultimate Question about the life, the universe and everything. When you use it on a planet, it gets filled up entirely, and thus becomes fully terraformed. It’s a useful item, but more of a gimmick than anything else, since it has limited uses. Anyway, the game Is completed now.

After completing it, I decided to start again, but this time with a peaceful, herbivore race.


I finally got it and how my god how great it is! I’ve played most of the day, with a short break when I watched my friend play. I got all the way to space phase, being a predator all the way. The first epic creature I managed to kill was in tribe phase. The civilization phase was probably the easiest with me not loosing even a single unit. Anyway, I’m off to continue playing.