Harmony of Dissonance - Dracula, Final Form

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance is a shorter game compared to Circle of the Moon, that’s for sure. Compared to 10 and a half hours on record and probably about 12 hours in total with Circle of the Moon, it took me 7 hours and 15 minutes on record to win Harmony of Dissonance. I also died less often, I think, so the total time was probably slightly over 8 hours. Is it better or worse, though?

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Harmony of Dissonance - 1 Title

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance is the second GBA Castlevania game. I’ve played it for a bit back in the day, but never gotten far in it, for the same reason I didn’t get far in any of the games I played back then – lack of focus and dedication. As with Circle of the Moon, in this first posting, I’ll give a brief overview of what I did in the game up to this point as well as a slightly lengthier overview of the game itself.Continue reading