Sorry for not posting again for a while, but I wasn’t much of a gamer guy for the last few days what with the laptop problems and all. I bought a can of compressed air and cleaned my laptop as much as possible. Yesterday, I also finally got a cooling pad and now it seems I don’t have problems anymore. I should also probably replace the thermal paste on my CPU, but I don’t have the tools or the paste at the moment.
In any case, since I had to start the game again, I pretty much covered all of the areas I did in my last play trough, except I also killed all the Orc bosses this time and managed to get to the next level. This one is filled with undead and it seems they have a bit more health than the Orcs, so I guess it will take a bit longer to clear.
My assassin is level 27 and I already used respeced once to raise all my attributes to 10 and put the rest in Agility. I use two different poisons to do damage and it seems to be working rather well. All I need to do at start is to combine action gems two times and I can apply both of my poisons. After that, I get more actions gems for the next application and then get as much various mana gems as I can. When I have enough, I use Disarm and Blackjack to raise my strike multiplier, and then use one of my strikes, usually Stone or Swift, to do some additional damage. In most cases, the enemy is dead within one or two poison applications.
I’m planning to get an Ancient and a Glyphic or Hellforged Wyvern poison and make all of my other gear Demonic. That way I can do plenty of extra skull damage and have strong poisons at the same time. If everything goes according to plan, I should be completing this game soon.

I reinstalled Windows yesterday due to a problem. I was expecting the saves to be safe because they are usually located in the Documents folder which is on my second partition. They weren’t. For some reason, they are located in the Local AppData folder on the primary partition. This means i lost my saves and will have to start from scratch. Luckily, the game is still fun for me, so i might actually do that.

I continued exploring the orc level of the ruins and solved a bunch of side quests while doing it. I’ve found the Orc King, or at least i think it was a him; he turned out to be a shaman. After defeating him, he told me he is keeping a great evil trapped and that it has corrupted the other orc leaders, so now i have to defeat them. They are scattered around the map, so i have to find their rooms.

I also tried to kill the yeti on level 1 a bunch of times, but he proved to be extremely difficult. I think i will come back to him later.

After opening the locked door, I encountered one goblin bullying another one. I decided to help him and, in turn, he told me where the goblin king is. In order to get to him, though, I had to defeat a Gelatinous Cube. The king was quite easy to beat, so this means I explored the first level of the tower. He gave me a key to the next level and promised me he won’t attack the humans anymore.
I got to the next level and activated the teleporter. Then I decided to go back to town in order to upgrade my equipment, turn in some side quests and complete some additional ones. I also got a few side quests for the next few levels. This is where I stopped playing.

I managed to kill the Goblin Boss in the ruined keep and also eliminated the Rakshasa and the Polar Bear. The goblin left a necklace so I brought it back to town and also solved another side quest there. I’ve spent most of my money to upgrade my equipment so now I’m broke again. The necklace turned out to be a key so I had to go back to the keep to find a door that it unlocks. My next quest is to simply explore the tower.  

I installed this one tonight and played through some fights. It’s a bejeweled game with major RPG elements and a campaign story. It seems to have improved on some flaws of the first one. The fights seem to be less reliant on luck and the computer doesn’t get as many lucky streaks. I hope it doesn’t take me to long to complete it, because I have other games waiting for me.

I played very little, but I did finish a few games. I tried a special game with a tiny map and 18 civilizations. That way, each civilization mostly has room for one city and that’s about it. I went for culture at first but then steamrolled through the other civs one my borders reached their towns. I finished the game with 3 vasals under my control, which never happened in any of my previous games.
I’ve also been watching some gameplay videos of Civilization V, and I have to say, I can’t wait until it gets released. This should be happening in a little over a month. It basically keeps all the great stuff about this one, and greatly improves on all of the flaws.

This is a very strange, but interesting game. Basically, it’s a survival game. The world is generated randomly and you start at a random location in it. During the day, everything is great, but at night the monsters come. This is way you need to find some coal fast to make torches and build yourself a shelter. After you survive the first night, the game basically turns into a series of exploration, mining and building parts. On my first two tries it didn’t really go that well because I couldn’t find the coal fast enough and I didn’t know how monsters behave yet. On my third try, it really went great and I’ve been playing that world ever since. I explored a bunch of caves and built a very nice home for myself.
I’ve also built something like a lighthouse on top of the cliff my home is located at. That way, I can find my way to my house easier if I get lost. During my exploration, I also managed to find  a diamond vein, but I already depleted everything I mined from that. I do have a nice supply of gold, coal and iron so I won’t run out of those any time soon.
Most of my house is built out of glass and stone, and right now I’m trying to decorate the surroundings. My top floor is on top of a glass structure and has waterfalls coming out of all sides, so it looks really nice. I might post some screenshots later.
In any case, this is an extremely open ended game with no fixed goals so it cannot be completed. I do however plan to have lots of fun with it. Definitely worth the 10€ I paid for it.

I had a Starcraft II marathon yesterday. After doing some WoW stuff I started playing and didn’t stop until the game was finished around midnight. It took me a while, but it was completely worth it. The story and the presentation is amazing, and even through the campaign, I can tell that there could be some awesome skirmishes later on.

Sadly, since it’s a pirated version, I can’t get any achievements or play proper multiplayer. It’s probably better that way. I can save those for when I buy the real thing. Sadly, since college is getting closer and I will be extremely busy, that probably won’t happen before next year. Still, I can’t wait.

I keep coming back to this game. Off course, there is no campaign or anything similar so I won’t be completing it, but I do plan to go through a session every now and then. I installed it a few days ago, so I played a few games already, but nothing major. I would like to try and win some games on higher difficulties.