After finishing up some houses in the village, I’ve found out from the villagers that Goro’s father was killed by the Killer Snake. What a coincidence, the next level of Wise Owl Forest was the killer snake level. I used the flute that the minstrel gave me after completing his home to lure the snake out, and then I used the sword that Trent gave me to defeat it. It dropped a necklace that a brought to Goro. It contained a message from his father explaining everything. The villagers never betrayed him. He got sick so he wanted to die in battle and not from a disease. That is why he went to battle the snake and that is why he lost. He asked Goro to help me save the village and the rest of the world. Goro said he hates him for what he did, but he decided to help me anyway for his own sake, so now I have a new ally.
He sucks! Seriously, he completely and utterly sucks! He is slow, weak and useless. On level 12 of the Wise Owl Forest I was forced to control him alone and it was the worst level I’ve encountered. He can barely kill anything with his slow and awkward hammer attacks. Maybe it’s just me, maybe I can’t control him properly, but I never intend to use him by my own free will, ever again.
Anyway, I cleared all the levels of Wise Owl forest, managed to completely and properly rebuild the village. As a reward, Trent gave me a Power-Up Powder and a Battle Ax for Goro (big deal…).  The last boss of the forest, I was forced to use Goro again. It was a giant ape thing called Masterutan (how imaginative). I had to use Goro to smack the boss’s feet with the hammer and then I would switch to Toan to use a charged up attack while the boss was down. It took me a while to figure it out, but when I did, the boss went down fast. After breaking the mind control, he told me that the village of the moon people is “right behind this rock here”, so he cleared the rock and I entered Brownboo Village.
This one was more of a filler area. There was nothing for me to do here gameplaywise, I just had to go through a bunch of cut scenes. I tried to get to the elders, but they knocked me out because they don’t trust humans. Once I woke up, I tried to tell them that the Dark Genie is free, but they wouldn’t believe me until one of them checked the magic crystal. When they realized I was telling the truth, they decided to help me. I was to take their ship and fly to the moon to get the magic needed to capture the Genie again. The problem is, one of these idiots sold the ship controlling orb to Queens thinking it was a piece of fruit. Now I have to go to Queens and get the orb back.
Off course, Queens is completely destroyed so I have to rebuild it using the pieces I get from the Shipwreck, a local dungeon. In any case, I managed to clear the first two levels of the dungeon and already built a house for the sheriff. This is where I took a break.

Again, I am posting what happened a day later. I didn’t play for too long because my head was being a little bitch again. I managed to clear a level or two and unlock a few more village elements. I extended the river from the pond but the water is not flowing and I can’t find a switch on the dam. I guess I need to unlock something else in order to open the dam. I’m about to go play again, so hopefully, we will find out soon.

EDIT: I cleared a few more levels and managed to completely rebuild the shop as well as some other houses. I’ve found out some stuff about that boy in a bear costume. It seems his dad was a great hunter, but five years ago he just left with no warning and never came back. This made the kid pretty hard on the outside so I need to find a way to reach out to him. Maybe I can find out more stuff about his dad in the dungeon.

I played some more and managed to clear all the levels of the first dungeon and defeat the Divine Beast. After defeating him and returning to the village, it turns out that the arrangement of buildings that I decided on was optimal, so the Divine Beast taught me a new special attack.  He also gave me a map which allows me to travel to other locations in the world. I could only go to the next village, so that is where I went. I have to talk to a trent there, but he doesn’t have any water so I need to somehow divert the river to him. This means that I need to explore another dungeon and get more parts.
On the way to the second village, I also met a boy in a bear costume who looks like I will be able to recruit him later. In any case, I explored the first few levels of the new dungeon and already got a couple of buildings. I still haven’t built the local store though, so I have to travel to the first village for supplies.
Keep in mind, all of this happened yesterday. I still haven’t played today, but I’m about to.

I just realized that a new version of the PCSX2 emulator is out so I decided to try this game based on a recommendation from a friend. I must say, it’s running perfectly. The frame rate is steady at 100% and there are no glitches that I could see.
The game is about a kid who is chosen to save his village and the rest of the world by rebuilding it and defeating the Dark Genie in the end. You do this by exploring level after level of randomly generated dungeons and collecting items that you then use to build your village. The more you build, the more items you get and the deeper you can go. You do not gain levels yourself, but your weapons van level up as well as be upgraded with various gems. You can also recruit allies and switch between them at will to traverse obstacles.
I managed to clear the first then levels of the first dungeon. This includes defeating two bosses and recruiting my first ally, some sort of cat girl. She uses a crappy slingshot so I only use her to pass some obstacles which include jumping. I’m liking this game at the moment and I will probably play it a bit more over the next few days.

I acquired a bunch of indie games a few weeks ago, so, since I’ve completed some of them, and hated others, this one got its turn. I think I can objectively say it’s bad. They advertise it as a city builder game with a twist, but it’s nothing like it. You control your ODD Boy and do quests for various other members in the village. The quests include getting them an item, then building them a building in three stages, each stage requiring a gathering of various materials from nodes and monsters on the map, and then getting another item from them which you can then give to the next villager and start the process over. The graphics look nice and even the story is cute, but the game is just repetitive, slow and boring.
That being said, I’ve still completed it. I’m not sure why, but something just compelled me to do it. It didn’t take long, a couple of hours at most, but I still consider it a waste of time. There are also some achievements built into the game, of which I missed only two. I am not planning to go back to those. 

This is basically a simplified Settlers game. Each level is a different map with different goals. You get slots on the map, but some of them are hidden until you build buildings close enough to reveal them. You have to build defensive, economic and population increasing structures in order to reach your goal. Depending on how fast you do this, you get a medal. I have managed to get a gold medal on every level as well as unlock all the achievements in the game in basically one go, so the game really isn’t that hard. Still, it was fun while it lasted.

I managed to complete this one on normal difficulty. I have also finished allot of the various mini games and unlocked all three of the Zen gardens, as well as the three of Wisdom or whatever it’s called.  I have managed to reach the night time pool level on the second difficulty. As far as I can tell, the difference in difficulty is that I get a few more zombies and Crazy Dave is picking three plants for me on every level. I find that if I adjust to what he picks for me, I can do pretty well.

Not sure how far exactly I got with this one, but I think I’m about half way to the end. As far as I can tell, I have completely upgraded my mansion, so money is really no longer an issue. I’ve also been gathering various bonus items, but I feel there are far too many and I’m not motivated enough to collect them all. If I can remember correctly, I have allied with the thieves in Venice and killed one of the local leaders. It has been a while, so I cannot really remember if I got further than that.

During one of my many train rides, I actually managed to complete this game on the third difficulty level. This means I have unlocked the Elite Beat Divas. Their difficulty isn’t much harder than Sweatin’ when it comes to the necessary clicking speed, but the buttons are much smaller so it takes way more accuracy. I managed to complete a few levels on this new difficulty, but I have yet to complete it entirely or unlock the third bonus song.