It’s been a while since I played Diamond, so I decided to restart (again) with this version. It’s basically the same thing with a few minor changes and features added. I’ve earned my first gym badge and freed the little girl’s father at the Valley Windworks. I would have caught the balloon pokèmon, but it’s Saturday, so he wasn’t there. I did put some honey on two trees though, so I hope I will catch something there tomorrow.

EDIT: I played some more and got to Eterna City where I defeated the gym leader. This got me another badge and the ability to use Cut outside of battle. Tomorrow, I’ll try to catch a ghost pokèmon in the Eterna Forest mansion.

I didn’t expect much from this game, and that is exactly what I got. It’s not bad, just not that good either. I played for an hour or two and got a few skills and weapons. I also unlocked 3 or 4 new characters to play the game with, but I don’t think it makes much of a difference. I probably will finish it, because it seems rather short, but I won’t return to it later.

It’s been a long time since I last posted, so allot has happened. Larthas is, of course, level 80 now and has been for a long time. He got his epic flying mount and has explored the entire world, earning him the title of “the Explorer”. He also trained his mining, cooking, fishing and first aid to a maximum of 450. His blacksmithing is 442, but he learned all the available recipes, so it’s effectively maxed. He bought a Titansteel Destroyer in an auction and has been working hard to upgrade the rest of his equipment. He obtained an egg from the Oracles, but it failed the hatch. Now he’s nurturing another one. Recently, the gates of Ulduar have opened, and yesterday, he signed up for the Argent tournament. Pretty soon, Noblegarden will start, so that’s another thing to look forward to.

Also, a new hero was born in Larthas’ shadow, by the name of Sahtral. He is a gnome mage and has reached level 4. He will not progress as fast as Larthas, though.

Two days ago, I had to go to Zagreb to do something which took 15 minutes. This means a total of 3 hours train ride for 15 minutes of work. It was early on the way there, so I was tired, but on the way back, I started the easy mode of this game and completed it in one go. I don’t think I will be trying this one on harder modes, because I don’t like the songs as much as in Elite Beat Agents. Still, this is one more for the completed list.

I finally got WotLK, so that’s what I’ve been playing for the last two weeks. I can’t believe I didn’t get it earlier. Larthas is now level 74 and still advancing. He replaced most of his level 70 armor set. All that’s left are the gloves, but they have a replacement pending on level 75. This is the main reason why I haven’t been posting lately. Not much to say about playing a MMORPG except “complete addiction”. 

I’ve completed this one a few days after the last post about it. It wasn’t that hard. The game is your typical C&C game; very little real strategy and lots of emphasis on speed and rushing. The campaign is what I play these games for. The live action cut scenes are so bad, that they’re awesome. If you’re fast, I would recommend you to rent the game. You can finish the campaign pretty quick, and then you can return it.

I got this one as soon as it got released. I loved the first one on the DS, but I decided to try it on the PC this time. I like it, but I think the first one was better. They oversimplified the character advancement in my opinion. I do like the new board, but there’s less motivation for playing now. The thing I like the most is that luck is not such a major factor anymore. There where situations in the first game where I would lose the battle on the first turn because the computer got a couple of lucky board drops. Since you only receive free turns now if you destroy five blocks at a time, this happens less often.

Anyway, I got 4 crew members and a second ship, and got my character to level 17. I also hacked most of the gates in the universe, so I can reach most systems now.