I decided to give it one more attempt. After downloading the patch, I didn’t get any crashes after completing missions, but I did get one randomly. I completed the Soviet and the Allies campaign during the past few days. I got to the second mission of the Empire of the Rising Sun.
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 18
I’ve spent most of my time training fishing and cooking. I am now a master cook and fisherman. I was also trying to catch Old Ironjaw in Ironforge, but even after almost a thousand fish caught, still no luck. Today, I also tried my luck in some battlegrounds, but I didn’t get much honor. I plan to buy Wrath of the Lich king pretty soon. Also, a few days ago, I’ve completed a couple of heroic outland dungeons with my guild mates.
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (PC), Part 2
I played up to the sixth soviet mission. This was a lengthy and annoying one. After about an hour of play I finally completed it, but then the game crashed. Off course, it didn’t save, so I tried it again. After another 40 minutes (this time I was prepared), it crashed again. To hell with it! It’s not that good of a game. I really don’t think I will be playing it again. I can always watch the cheesy campaign movies outside the game.
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 17
I got my reputation with Argent Dawn to Exalted, while Timbermaw Hold and Cenarion Circle revere me. I’ve also been raising my reputation to honored with various factions so I can finally complete an armor set. I still need one item of the set, so I’m planning to accomplish this in the next few days. I’ve also been completing some various dungeons, but nothing major.
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (PC), Part 1
I got this one today. It’s Command and Conquer, so I don’t consider it a masterpiece when it comes to strategy, but the campaign is fun, so I plan to complete it. I cleared the first three Russian missions and lost and the fourth one. I think I misunderstood something in the briefing.
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 16
Since I’m at my max level, I’ve spent most of my time earning money (unsuccessfully), clearing dungeons, doing raids, and raising my reputation with various factions. I got my Argent Dawn reputation half way to exalted. I plan to raise it the rest of the way in the next few days. After that, I think I’ll try my luck with Timbermaw Hold. I’m also trying to get a set equipment pieces everywhere I can. Oh, I forgot to mention, I finally have my flying mount! Since it’s a normal flying mount, it’s quite slow, but at least I can get everywhere in outland now.
Pokèmon Diamond (DS), Part 5
I got to Eterna City and realized that the gym leader is a grass specialist. I managed to catch Ponyta on a route out of town, but it didn’t have any fire attacks. I tried training it by fighting the gym leader’s lackey, but even though it gained a few levels, it still didn’t get any. I saved my game before fighting the gym leader and stopped playing there.
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 15
I finally reached level 70 tonight. This means the training is over for me until I get Wrath of the Lich King. I completed a few dungeons and tried raising my reputation at the various factions. Tonight, I fought Onyxia with my guild again, and again didn’t get anything. I plan to earn money for my flying mount next, but I need to raise my reputation some more first.
Burnout Paradise – Ultimate Box (PC), Part 5
I played taking turns with my brother in law the other day. That’s all I got to play, so we only reached 58% of the game. In the past few days I haven’t really played anything much. Mostly, I’ve been watching some series and movies I was behind on.
Pokèmon Diamond (DS), Part 4
Before I could get to the next gym city, I had to fight Team Galactic, because they have taken over a windmill farm. I also caught a few Pokèmon on the way, including Budew which I plan to train as my current grass Pokèmon.