A friend came over yesterday, so we played the game taking turns at the races. We’ve reached about 55% of completion. I also finished a single bike race, so the bike mode is now at 2%. While playing, we unlocked a bunch of cars including the one from the beginning of the game that I couldn’t find the burnout track of.
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 14
Larthas has reached level 68. He tried to train his blacksmithing skill, so he spent a bunch of time mining for thorium. He plans to get it to at least 300, so he can continue to train it in Outland. Today, he cleared the east and the north wing of Dire Maul fortress. He wanted the clear the west wing to, but his party disbanded because of other obligations. He will try to clear it tomorrow. Also, his seals now last for 30 minutes!
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 13
Larthas was paying respect to his elders today. He visited all of the elders of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. He collected 42 of the coins, so he needs 8 more. Next up are the elders of the dungeons, but I’m not sure if he will manage to complete it this year. Also, he’s one quest away of being honored with Sporeggar.
Pokèmon Diamond (DS), Part 3
I defeated the gym master and got my first badge. This allows me to use the Rock Smash move outside of battle. Since the north route (207) is for bikes only, I had to return to Jubilife city. On the way back, I was able to clear a few rocks in the mountain between Orenburgh and Jubilife. This opened a passage to B1 of the dungeon where I caught Psyduck. I’m going for badge number two next.
Burnout Paradise – Ultimate Box (PC), Part 4
Unlocking new rides and clearing a few races every now and then led me to complete 42% of the game. I now have 41 out of 75 cars unlocked. I still haven’t found the burnout route for that one car, but I have no other cars to unlock right now. I’ll try out the bikes later today. Oh, btw, I now have an A class driving license.
Burnout Paradise – Ultimate Box (PC), Part 2
A total of 28% of the game is behind me now. I’ve spent most of the time unlocking upgraded cars. I now have a total of 31 cars, with one still waiting to be unlocked. I still haven’t found the burnout route for one of the cars and at this point, I’m not even sure it exists.
Pokèmon Diamond (DS), Part 2
I’ve arrived to Orenburgh City and am now getting ready to fight the gym master. I caught a bunch of pokèmons like Geodude and Onyx, but nothing major. My Piplup evolved, so getting the first badge should be easy.
Burnout Paradise – Ultimate Box (PC), Part 1
I got it today and I LOVE it. This game is what Need for Speed should be – an extremely fun arcade racer. I cleared about 16% of the game, gained a B class license and unlocked the first speed type car. The game really is fun, so I’ll probably complete it.
Fallout 3 (PC), Part 2
I installed it again so I can demonstrate it to a friend with a PC too weak to play it at home. I noticed that this time I didn’t have any of the performance problems, so I decided to leave it installed and start a new game. This time, I created a more combat-oriented character which made the game much easier. I finished a bunch of quests in Megaton, and then traveled northwest to deliver a message to a small settlement. The people living there had some trouble with bandits, so I decided to help them. This is where I stopped playing for now.
World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade (PC), Part 12
Larthas has reached level 66. He cleared a few of the Outland dungeons with the help of his guild mates. He also managed to explore all of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Pretty soon, he will reach the end of his training and I hear that’s when the game really begins. I can’t wait.