Since I didn’t have time to play World of Warcraft, I decided to tackle this one. I managed to get a few OCD’s and I got my tower to about 26 meters. If I want to get it higher, I will need more goo balls, so I need to get more OCD’s.

What to say? I’m addicted! Larthas is now level 36 and has cleared the Wetlands and most of two other areas. He also cleared a few more dungeons like Blackfathom Deeps, Wailing Caverns and Razorfen Kraul. He wants to clear Gnomeregan, but it’s really tough to find a group. He also joined a friendly guild called Peons of Eternal Myst. Right now, he’s doing quests and training until he can tackle his next big dungeon.

This one is finally out, so I’ve been playing allot of it to. I’ve completed 13 out of a total of 24 levels (or 14 out of 25 if you count the temple). The Warrior is destroyed and I got two of the four powers with the third one really close (I need a little over 20 light seeds). Besides The Warrior, I’ve also fought the Concubine and the Alchemist. Right now, I’m getting ready for some backtracking, since I’ve completed all of the available levels, but I still don’t have a new power. I like the direction this game is going. It’s much simpler than the Sands of Time series, but it’s also more fun.

EDIT: I’ve got another power and with it, I’ve managed to complete three more levels. That makes it 16/24. Right now, I’m ready to face The Concubine for the last time.

This has been played allot! Larthas is now level 25 and has already completed The Stockades and the Dead Mines. Right now, he’s in Stormwind getting ready to go to a new zone more appropriate to his level.

An undead rogue was also created along with his undead warlock companion (my neighbor). They’re working together to become the most powerful Forsaken to ever walk the World. This time, the friend I was talking about finally remembered the right name of the Realm where his other friends are. However, he’s in high school and his semester is nearing the end, so he has lots of exams. That is why both of these characters are only level 10.

EDIT: Larthas is now level 27 and has advanced his career in the ranks of the Darkshire Nightwatch. He killed a bunch of undead, hunted some wolves and werewolves and has also slain a few spiders. He now has a nice long fire red cloak that matches his armor perfectly.

I ordered it on Sunday, and got it on Wednesday. I’ve been playing it since, so goodbye life. It’s every bit as great as I imagined. I started a Human Paladin on Azuremyst Realm and got him to level 16. I’ve explored a few areas and solved about 80 to 90 different quests.

A friend ordered his copy at the same time, so the plan was to create characters we would only play together. The problem is he has other friends that already play the game, so we wanted to play on the same Realm. This would be great if he hadn’t told me the wrong Realms for three times already. That is why I also have 2 characters bellow level 10 that I won’t be playing anymore. Tonight, I hope we will start on the right Realm.

As for the second expansion, I won’t be buying it until the price drops a bit. As I understand, most of the additions are high level anyway.

I finally have it, and it’s great. I haven’t completed Fallout 2, but it didn’t affect this game. I created a diplomatic type character with an emphasis on the repair, speech and stealth skills. I also decided to invest in small guns, so I can use sniper rifles. I got out of Vault 101 and reached Megaton. There, I solved a few quests and disarmed the bomb. I’m level 4 right now and I still have much to do in Megaton, so I won’t be leaving so soon.

Since I now finally have flat rate DSL, I decided to start an MMORPG. A few of my friends started playing to. I created a magician, and got him to level 21 within a few days. The game got upgraded since the last time I played, so it’s much more fun now. I wonder what kind of event they prepared for Christmas.

I’ve been playing this one exclusively (although not too much). I got my first esper, and I got back to Rabanastre. Most of my characters are nearing level 20. The game is really great, definitely one of the better Final Fantasy games (as hard as it is to choose). Final Fantasy VII is still number one, but this one is really close.

This is pretty much the only thing I’ve been playing for the past few days. I played it with a friend in coop mode. We unlocked a few characters, and finished a few stories. It’s a fun and simple game, but with enough room for depth and skill for it not to get too boring.