I decided to try this one while I’m waiting for the PC version. It’s pretty sweet. Basicaly, you wander around, fight and befriend other creatures and solve tasks all of which grants you parts you can put on your creature. It isn’t as complex as on the PC, but it looks nice, and there is allot of parts.

I cleared the first planet and got on the second one. I unlocked a bunch of new parts and a whole lot of achievements. Compared to the way I started, my creature is much stronger now. The game is fun and simple, which is all that matters. The graphics also look very nice of a DS game.

I’m writing this a few minutes after midnight. I got this game hoping it would be a nice hack & slash and I didn’t get disappointed. Basically, it’s Diablo for the DS, but not as good. The story pretty much sucks, but the game play is decent. The game is divided in chapters, and every chapter has four levels, the fourth being the boss level. After you finish one chapter, another one opens, but you can go back on previous levels and train. You can get a skill from every enemy, so this is what you use as your attacks.

My character is a ranged spell caster with most of his stat points put in intelligence. I’m level 29 and I’ve just completed chapter five. I don’t know how big the game is, but I’m hoping it isn’t too big. The last boss I fought was Cerberus (except this one had two heads).Because of the different possible character builds, there is some replay value, but the lack of items kind off kills it. Anyway, I’ll continue to play tomorrow.


Well, this was fast and easy. It turns out, there are eight chapters in the game. I got trough the remaining three this morning. As a reward, I got a ring that gives nice stat bonuses and absorbs all four of the elements. The last boss was a breeze with my Diamond Dust attack. If anyone wants to have an easy time with this game, use a spell caster. It’s hard until you get your first thousand gold. Then you buy your first overpowered ranged spell and this is what you will probably be using till the end. The first time I switched spells was chapter 8.

I can still revisit all of the areas, and I think the enemies are a bit tougher, but that’s about it. It’s a nice, fun, short game, but it’s nothing special. However, if you like Diablo, this is probably the closest you’ll get on the DS.

The fifth and final case is solved. And what a case it was! It took me the most of the day to complete it. Everyone was connected somehow. It all linked back to another, solved case from two years ago. The real murderer was the chief of police. He was blackmailing the defendant in to taking the fall for him. He almost got away due to some evidence problems, but I managed to outsmart him.

I realize now why this game is so praised. When you look at it, it doesn’t seem so interesting, but if you start playing it, you just can’t stop. The story is simple at first, but turns in to something incredibly complex as you progress. I don’t think I will be playing the sequel that soon though. It’s not a game you can play for a few minutes and stop, and that’s what I need right now.

The fourth case is solved. The defendant was none other than Miles Edgeworth, and the prosecutor was his mentor. I barely managed to defend him, and I actually had to question a parrot to accomplish this. After the case, Miles, Phoenix and Larry made up and are now best buddies again. After the case has ended I got a fake ending. The credits ran trough, and then I got another case. This one will be a toughie. The defendant already admitted to the case, and the victim is a detective.

I’ve solved the third case. An actor playing a samurai in a kids show was accused of killing the guy that plays his opponent in the same show. After three days of trial, it turns out the producer who actually is linked to the mafia killed the guy in self defense. The show was cancelled, but another show, inspired by my assistant started running instead.

Everyone was saying how this game is great, so I tried it to see what all the fuss is about. I’m not disappointed, but I’m not too impressed either. It’s a very good game, but there are better ones too. I’ve finished the first two cases, and started the third one. This is where I took a break as it is late and I will be going to bed soon.

I’ve completed all of the 39 episodes and this unlocked five more. Now I have to finish these. I already finished one of them. Apart from the last level, the episode was quite easy. I’m hoping I’ll finish the rest of them today.

EDIT: I’ve completed the rest of the episodes, and now the game is officially finished (I got the credits). I’ve also unlocked everything in the unlockables list including the golden ninja. This is a great and challenging platformer that I recommend to everyone.

This was fast. The game isn’t that long and it seems much easier than the earlier sequels (even with the kid mode turned off). I cleared all of the goals in every level and maxed out most of my stats. There’s still the classic mode I can tackle, but it isn’t part of the story, so I consider it a bonus. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes skating, as it’s probably the best one on the DS.

I’ve managed to finish all but two episodes. The two that remain each contain a really tough level that I can’t seem to complete. One requires wall jumping off movable platforms surrounded by mines, and the other is a long section with many simple parts that combine in a near impossible whole. It’s not completely impossible, but it takes skill and practice.