This is another music based shooter, this time in the style of Geometry Wars. It’s quite fun and has some nice mechanics. Also, Steamworks achievements are a plus also. For now, I managed to get 12 out of the total of 25 achievements, but I don’t think I will be getting the rest of them soon as they are tied to playtime and survival mode.

The game does a good job at generating levels for fast, as well as slow music. When it’s fast, the enemies come from all sides, but your main weapon is powered up. When it gets slow, your weapon is pretty much useless, so you are forced to dodge the enemies until a faster part of the song arrives.


I’m a big fan of the series, but somehow I missed the release of what is supposed to be the last game. If you played any Avernum game, there is not much to say about it in here. There are no towns this time, and I can’t remember if there were in Avernum V.

Everything is one giant map, with a separate huge map of the various caves and lairs that you visit. This time, a savage tribe of Slithzerikai is threatening the Avernites, and some strange blight is destroying all of their food. People are leaving Avernum and fleeing to the surface. My party is just a group of soldiers whose job is to kill rats under the main food storage for all Avernites.

After investigating a storage breach by goblins and killing their leader, I find out that the Slithzerikai are somehow behind it. This sends me The Castle where I get my main mission. My job is to stabilize the situation in The Great Cave and try to find out as much about the Blight and the Slithzerikai as possible while doing this.

Long story short, I solved a few side quests, learned how to use the portals in various towns so I can travel faster, and resolved a food hoarding situation in one of the major towns. My characters got a few levels, and I already managed to acquire some nice gear, but the game is just starting. I just hope I will get the chance to play it some more before the exams start again.

I started this one during my exams and played it on the train rides mostly. I managed to get my first 3 badges and got in the fourth gym town. The gym leader isn’t home so I have to explore a ruined tower and find him there. I managed to get a Dratini while playing the coin game so I have a pretty nice team, including an evolved Togepi, Dratini and a Bayleaf. I’m not in a rush to get any more additions to my team, until I start encountering something more interesting than Rattata. Oh, by the way, grass type better be awesome in the next few gyms, because it was complete and absolute rubbish in the first three. Well, the third one wasn’t that bad, but it wasn’t that good either. 

After reading and watching some good reviews, I decided to try this game. Don’t get me wrong, I liked it allot and I think it’s really fun, but it’s also on hell of a crappy port. The controls are awful and the game is buggy as hell. It’s just not worth the annoyance.  This is another sandbox game that, in my eyes, failed on the PC. Oh well, they have to get it right eventually.


I don’t know what to say about this one. I played the game long ago and the nostalgia goggles made me install it again. It’s an overly simplified economic, buy and sell based game. I tried a few runs and I kind of like it, but it’s not like you can complete it or anything. Anyways, it’s just 30 megabytes so it can stay on my hard drive for a while. 

I decided to try my luck with some horror gardening. I managed to get to level 5-4 or 5-5, not sure exactly. I also completed a few of the puzzle levels (I, zombie and vase breaking) and managed to unlock the zen garden as well. This one is interesting. You basically water and tend to your plants, so they produce money. I’m not really sure how much I can get from it, but I’m hoping it will turn into a decent, steady income. Oh, not to forget, I hate the roof battles. It’s basically one big pool. You have to lay down plant pots, before you can position your plants and I hate it (in a good way).

I don’t like this one. It’s really simple. You have an objective to defend for a certain amount of time. If you manage to survive, you get some cash and experience, which allows you to buy new weapons and costumes in the main menu. This is all there is to the game. There is no campaign or story. You just repeat the same few levels to earn new upgrades. It looks nice, and it seemed like fun on paper, but after trying it out for a while, I just find it to repetitive. I’m not going back to this one.

This is as point-and-clicky for an adventure game as It can get. You control a cute little robot and help him escape from danger, deal with some criminals which used to be his high school bullies and maybe get the girl? I’m not sure yet. What I like most about this is that you have a combination of logic based puzzles that appear in other games and actions that actually seem realistic in the situation you find yourself in. At no point in the game did I have to just randomly click around and hope that I will stumble into a solution. The game is small, so I’m in no rush to complete it, but I definitely plan to enjoy it.


This is another Indie game that I find extremely fun. It’s a physics based puzzle game where you control a space ship and fly it through various caves and tunnels. During the game, you collect various parts for your ship, which you can then add or remove on special locations in the level. This allows you to solve different puzzles. You have your regular ship engines, a stronger version of these engines, tractor beams, repel beams and similar items. I managed to complete 7 out of a total of 14 levers of the game. I plan to finish this one really soon.

This is just your basic causal game from Popcap. Most people probably know of it, or have played a similar game. Basically, you are a fish that eats smaller fish, which makes you get bigger, which allows you to eat bigger fish that would otherwise eat you. There is about 60 levels and a loose story that you follow, but nothing important. Basically, you are after a strange sea creature that seems to leave destruction in its way. It turns out its some sort of alien fish which you end up eating, thus saving the world. Anyway, the game is pretty fun for a single walkthrough at fast to complete, so I guess I can add it to my list.