Final Fantasy VIII [14] – Trabia Garden

As expected, Trabia was in ruins, but there were survivors. Selphie soon met one of her friends so she asked the group to wait for her by the basketball cart while she catches up. She returned soon and said she decided to stay with the party, even though her Garden needs her. Most of all, she wants revenge on Edea and to stop her from doing something like this again.

Now that she caught up with some friends, the group decided to catch up as well, and the second big reveal of the game happens, the first being the part about the true nature of the Garden and Cid’s being married to Edea.

Now, when I played this game the first time, I was twelve or thirteen, so I didn’t pay attention to most of the details, same as with Final Fantasy VII. The difference was, at this point my German was much better, so I at least did understand more of it. What happens is that the group helps each other remember something extremely important. All of them, excluding Rinoa, lived together as kids, in an orphanage. Seifer was there to. Irvine was the only one who really remembered, or at least, he remembered the biggest part of it, but he didn’t say anything because no one else did.

Final Fantasy VIII, The Orphanage

The orphanage.

A lot of them got adopted early, so part of it was forgotten due to the young age. The much bigger part had a simple explanation. It has long been rumored that using GFs affects memory. Now that they know this, however, they can help each other keep their future memories, so this shouldn’t be an issue anymore.

Something even bigger was revealed, though. First of all, Ellone was there to. This is why she referred to Quistis as “Quistie” and this is why she knew all of them. She didn’t use GFs, so her memories weren’t affected. Plus, she was older, so there’s that to. Finally, the most important thing they realized was that their matron was Edea. This explains why she formed SeeD with Cid and why he married her. She wasn’t always evil. Something changed her.

Sadly, this doesn’t change anything now. They still need to fight her and defeat her. Before that, though, they decided to visit their orphanage, a stone house by the sea, somewhere.