Bioshock 2, Part 2
Plants VS Zombies, Part 2
Over the past week and a half, I played this one sporadically. I think I got to level 4.3 or so, but I’m not sure at this point. I unlocked a total of 3 mini games, and the latest plant I got was a windmill type plant that blows away fog and balloon zombies. I definitely like the game so far, but as I said, I’m in no rush to complete it.
Lucidity, Part 1
This one is interesting. It’s a platformer in which the character (a little girl) moves by herself and you put items in front of her to help her avoid and pass obstacles. You put stuff like planks, stairs, jumping shoes, fans and slingshots. Each level has a number of fireflies that you can collect, and when you get a total of 100 of those, you unlock a bonus level. You don’t need to collect any to get to the next story level though. It’s an interesting game and I managed to complete about 15 levels, but I’m not sure if it gets repetitive or tedious after a while. For now I give it a four out of five.
Bioshock 2, Part 1
This one got released recently and, since I loved the first one, I got it as soon as possible. I hope to complete it this week, unless it’s much longer than the first one. I don’t remember if I played the first one on easy or something, but this one feels much harder. I actually have to hide and carefully plan my strategy before engaging enemies. It’s loads of fun to play like this so I consider the difficulty a big plus. However, there is no real penalty to dying as there is always a vita chamber nearby so if you don’t care, you could just keep rushing in over and over again and pass an obstacle that way I guess.
Plants VS Zombies, Part 1
This is a fun little game that I probably won’t be completing any time soon. It’s a variation of a tower defense game with, as the title says, plants and zombies. The levels are short and fun so I will probably be playing it when I don’t have the time for anything more serious. I might complete it one day, but don’t expect it anytime soon.
Mass Effect 2, Part 2 [COMPLETED]
Took me a while, but the game is completed. I loved every minute playing it, so I can confidently recommend it to any fans of role playing games, science fiction, or just generally a good story. I can’t wait for the finale of the trilogy. Before completing it, I did the loyalty quests for all of my team members as well as most of the side quests. At the final mission, everyone was loyal except for Jack, even though I completed her mission. She and Miranda had an argument mid-game and I sided with Miranda, so Jack really hated me from that point forward.
My first try of the suicide mission, I had all the ship upgrades and I tried to select team mates logically, but in the end, Tali and Grunt both died. Tali was the one going through the ventilation and Grunt was the leader of the second fire team. I completed the game this way yesterday, but I decided to try it again today with no one dying on me. This time, Jacob was the leader of both fire teams, Thane was the survivor escort, Samara maintained the biotic barrier and Legion was going through the vents. Although a few times it seemed someone was going to die again, in the end they all survived.
I still have a few achievements left, and in time I might even try to play through the game again, but for now I will go play something else. I hear Bioshock 2 is pretty good, but I don’t have it yet, so for now I might try a new alt in World of Warcraft.
Mass Effect 2, Part 1
After completing Dragon Age, I had to start with this one. It was collecting dust on my hard drive for a while, and I loved the first part. After playing for a few minutes and finishing 2 missions (?), I have to say, things have changed. The character development and the equipment looks a bit simplified, but it has potential to be interesting. I love the new Normandy and all the fan service that they subtly feed the player with. Also, the new female character – HOT! I can’t say that I don’t like the changes. It’s just new and different and I’m looking forward to explore it further. This one will probably be completed soon.
Dragon Age: Origins, Part 9 [COMPLETED]
I managed to save the queen and even thought I’ve convinced her and Alistair to marry and affirm their chances to claim the throne. Alistair and I got ourselves captured, bud trough some clever disguises and persuasion, we managed to escape and return to Eamon’s estate. After this, I went to the elven alienage and destroyed a slaving operation which was organized by Loghain. This was all the evidence I needed to get the nobles on my side. The Landsmeet started and, after being cornered, Loghain challenged me to a duel. I defeated him easily and then got the option to recruit him into the ranks of the Grey Wardens. Alistair made it very clear that if I do that, he will be gone, so I chose him and Loghain was executed.
With the nobles on my side and the army assembled, everything was ready for the final assault. The horde went for Denerim and, since the army, due to wrong information, assembled at Redcliffe, when we got back to Denerim, It was already under assault. I managed to kill 2 of the Darkspawn generals and then assaulted the tower where the archdemon was. It was a lengthy battle, but in the end I managed to defeat him with only Alistair and the protagonist left alive. Thanks to Morrigan’s ritual, I survived the final blow and that was it. Game completed! It took me over 60 hours, but it’s finally over.
Not much to say about the game. It’s a standard Bioware RPG. Not as much polish as the older games or Mass Effect, but fun, with a good story and an interesting system. Who knows, I might even return to it one day to complete the rest of the achievements. I recommend the game to any fan of western RPGs.
Dragon Age: Origins, Part 8
Again I slack at posting! Sorry about that, I will do my best not to let it happen again. A whole bunch of stuff happened in the game since I last wrote here. First I went to Denerim and reunited Alistair with his sister, which didn’t go as he hoped. Seems his sister is a bit more on the material side, so he ended up promising that he will take care of her. I have also dealt with Marjorie, or whatever the name of Leliana’s old friend was. We didn’t kill her, but she did drop the matter for the time being. After that, I did a bunch of side quests and ended up in brother Genitivi’s house. His apprentice was there and said that the brother went to look for the urn based on a clue he found. After I tried to open a door in the backroom of the house, the apprentice attacked me, so I had to kill him. It turns out the body of the real apprentice was in the room.
The clues led me to a village all the way to the west. As soon as I entered, I realized the villagers are acting extremely weird. A few moments later, they attacked me and it turns out they are cultists, guarding the temple where Andraste’s ashes are kept. After a bunch of fighting, I realized they aren’t really fanatics that worship Andraste, but actually fanatics that worship a dragon posing as Andraste. I had to kill the dragon, and then, after solving a bunch of puzzles, I managed to get some ashes for Arl Eamon.
After curing Eamon, I did an extremely large amount of side quests, which got me an achievement, and then decided to go with the Arl to Denerim and call for a Landsmeet. This is where I am now. The late king’s wife asked for my help in freeing her from her father, so that’s what I will try next.