I’m still on trial in Burning Aether. We are constantly raiding and I love it. DKP are going up so I will get plenty of loot once I get accepted permanently (hopefully). I’m also trying to complete the Loremaster achievement. I got Loremaster of Northrend a few months ago and I got Loremaster of Outland a few weeks ago, so I’m concentrating on Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. I still need 31 out of 700 quests in Eastern Kingdoms as well as about 400 quests in Kalimdor so I still have plenty to go.

So I installed this one after I completed Braid. It seemed like a fun little action-platformer with stealth elements. The enemies are funny and the game looks great in a cartoony sort of way. I played trough the tutorial, found Futo and reached a checkpoint where I decided to exit the game and take a break.

About an hour later, I try to load my game and it loads fine but the frame rate is below five and there are artifacts all over the screen. So I go online, scan trough the forums, any other related message boards, google and I find nothing. It’s like no one even plays this one on the PC. I start experimenting and discover that if I change resolution in the main menu before loading the game, everything is ok. I decide to give the game a chance even though it smells of bad port and, to be honest, I really enjoyed it until a few minutes ago. I went through all 4 bosses like a breeze, got all of my ninja friends and escaped the avalanche. Since I got all but one magic scrolls, I assume I’m extremely nearing the end of the game. So I find the passage to the next level, go through it and the game crashes. I run the game again, go to the main menu, change the resolution as usual and try to continue where I started. Guess what? Since the game forces a stupid single-slot auto-save method, the save got corrupted and now it crashes on loading. Now I’m stuck with an uncompleted game and mad as hell. I am deleting this one from the hard drive and I’m not looking back.

I got and installed this one a few days after Half-Life.

By playing an hour or so almost every day, I managed to complete it yesterday.

It’s a very nice FPS.

The game brings nothing new to the genre, but it does the tried out things very well.

I did have one problem though. It seems I was supposed to get a new power in the Hospital level which is a level about 75% into the game. However, the game didn’t advise me to get it, nor did it stop me from completing the level without getting it.

Since there are no manual saves and the game uses only one auto-save slot, I got stuck at the last boss of the game. It seems this ability was necessary here to kill the boss. Sadly, I had to edit my save game to add the ability. I added it on its base level and without any upgrades so it didn’t give me any advantage, but it still felt a bit like cheating. Sadly, the only other option I could think of was to start the game from the beginning.

I don’t think this is a common issue as I’ve been googling it and have found nothing, so I still very much recommend the game to any shooter or Wolfenstein fans.

Sadly, Eternal Myst broke up. Due to a personal problem, most of the leadership had to move to another server, so the rest of us decided to part ways. I consider some of these people my friends so it was a sad moment. Luckily, I got accepted on a trial basis to Burning Aether, one of the top guilds on Azuremyst. They raid actively, but also have a social aspect so there is not much pressure to play. I hope to do well on the trial and get accepted permanently.

After a few weeks of emblem farming I managed to acquire my T9 shoulders and a very nice libram. My dps is pretty high now compared to the old guild, but nowhere near the top in the new one. Since I’m on trial, I can’t get any loot from the raids yet, but I do collect DKP so I will be able to get more once and if they accept me permanently. Larthas’ future in this game is very bright.

Since I completed Wolfenstein yesterday, I installed this game today and managed to complete it about an hour ago. It’s a nice little puzzle platformer with some excellent graphics and a great and interesting story, although I don’t think I understood the story part completely. Anyway, I don’t want to spoil anyone so I will not talk about it. I think by now pretty much anyone knows about the game so there’s no need to say much.

Since I completed Wolfenstein yesterday, I installed this game today and managed to complete it about an hour ago. It’s a nice little puzzle platformer with some excellent graphics and a great and interesting story, although I don’t think I understood the story part completely. Anyway, I don’t want to spoil anyone so I will not talk about it. I think by now pretty much anyone knows about the game so there’s no need to say much.

This one I bought on steam for 2.79€ and installed it right after I finished the first game. I also managed to complete it right away. Being an episodic release, it was naturally much shorter than the original, but it was still very good. I’m looking forward to playing episode two, but that will have to wait for a few weeks as the orange box is cheaper in store than on steam at the moment.

I installed it yesterday and completed it today. I never had the chance to complete it before as I always seem to have had issues regarding drivers or some other thing. This time, the game worked flawlessly. It’s quite a lengthy game for a shooter and is definitely one of the better shooters I played.

I installed this game shortly after finishing Overlord II and played it occasionally until today. Today, I’ve completed it! What can I say about it? If you’ve played the original Secret of Monkey Island, you will know this one. It’s the same game with updated, hand drawn, high resolution beautiful graphics, music and voices. You can even switch to the original version with the push of a button. If you like adventures get this one and play it. It’s packed with witty puzzles, great humor and perfect atmosphere.  There were moments where I was literally laughing out loud.

This is what I played most of the time. Patch 3.2 is live, so I was spending a lot of time with Larthas doing heroics to collect emblems of conquest. I also have about 10 emblems of triumph by now, which I got from my daily heroic quests. Larthas is now pretty much ready for Ulduar25, so hopefully we will start clearing that one soon.

As for Hastral, he didn’t do much, but he did reach level 43. Since the new patch is live, he now has a fast mount. I will probably put him on hold until I get my new gear on Larthas. There is just too much content to play both characters.