So, last time I wrote, I was about to start my mission at castle Vebeaux. The Duke asked me to escort a team of soldiers from both Holklandia and Kellemderiel while they destroy a source of monster infestation in the nearby Beraza Woods. He is hoping that this would bolster the relations between the two regions and ensure a peace agreement.

I had to go here several times during my missions.
I explored the outer part of the woods and completed a few side missions, while at the same time clearing the woods of monsters. I also encountered the suspicious rogue who keeps following me and offering me shifty jobs. This time, he actually offered me something I was willing to do. It seems that the administrator ofcastle Vebeaux is not allowing a merchant safe passage, because he is being bribed by the competition. I talked to the administrator, put some fear into him and this was promptly resolved. The military unit I was supposed to escort was in the second region of the woods. As soon as I got there, I knew it wouldn’t go well. The soldiers simply did not get along and were letting their differences get between them. I tried to calm the situation, but it wasn’t working. When we got to caverns where the troubles were coming from, the commander from Holklandia decided to stay and guard it, while the rest of us got in and cleared it. He simply wasn’t willing to put his life in the hands of the enemy.
I descended with the Kellemderiel soldiers and we soon split up, according to their wishes. They took the direct route, while I was forced to take the longer way around. After some fighting and spelunking, I finally met them again, but it was too late. The source of the monsters was a dragon, this time a master of mind spells and he already got to them. He completely wiped their minds, turning them into slaves that attacked me. I managed to defeat them, but the dragon got away, so I returned to the surface. While he did get away, the source of the infestation was removed for now, so my mission was over. I got back to the castle to report in, and then returned to Avadon.
My next mission is taking me back to Khmeria. I am to find the person responsible for creating the shadow beast and kill him. I should probably also mention that one of the side missions in castle Vebeaux had me expose a spy for the Tavon empire. I’m not sure if this will be important later, but it seemed that it might. One other thing – the caverns and the laboratory where the dragon lived used to belong to a mage named Adranos. This also sounded like important information.