The next mission that Redbeard sent me on was supposed to take me to Kellemderiel, to castle Verbeaux. Gryfyn, the local duke is working hard and forging a peace agreement with the neighboring region of Holklanda, and in order to do this, he needs help with a task. However, before I did all that, I had to take care of Jennel’s problems. When we last went to Khemeria, we encountered a group of Wyldrylm warriors who escaped their lands because of a crime they committed. The crime was justified in a way, and not really a bad thing, but the Pact laws have been broken and they would have been hunted down if they didn’t escape. Jennel decided to go and try to warn them that Avadon now knows where they are and left me a note about it, so I went after her.

The Five Nations of the Midlands Pact
A runner in Dhorl Stead told me where she was, but when I got there, I was attacked by Wyldrylm warriors several times before I could even tell them I come in peace. I finally found a small encampment in the woods, where another group of warriors, this time friendly and led by a guy named Vid was keeping Jennel safe. Jennel told me what happened. The group was led by a shaman named Theresia, who got quite arrogant and angry at Avadon. When Jennel came with the warning, Theresia tried to kill her, but Vid and his men managed to free her and hide in this part of the woods. The other people I killed where just about to assault their encampment.
With Jennel back in my group, I went after Theresia and soon found her encampment. I let her men go, but was forced to kill her. For a moment, it seemed like she would see reason, but in the end she attacked anyway so my hand was forced on the matter. After all of this, I went back to Avadon to take care of some other business and then continued to Kellemderiel for my mission. I met the duke and he explained my mission to me. I am to go with a group of Holklandan soldiers and locate and destroy a source of magically altered monsters who are infesting a local forested area.