I managed to get the dwarven girl accepted in to the magic school. Since dwarves really can’t do magic, theory is all she will get, but she seems happy about that, so I’m happy to. After that, I went on to explore one of the locations nearby that I haven’t visited before. I’ve found a soldier that fought with me in the first battle getting killed by soldiers of the local baron or something. Before he died, he told me he hid a key to the king’s chest in Ostagar which contained some important documents. This means I had to return to Ostagar to get those documents. While there, I killed some of the Dark Spawn leaders and managed to recover the king’s armor, weapon and shield, as well as Duncan’s sword and dagger. Alistair wears the armor now, and the dagger went to Leliana. We’ve also found the king’s body and gave him a proper ceremony.

After that, I decided to go explore Soldier’s peak, which is an old Warden fortress. It was haunted by demons, so I had to clear that as well as try to find evidence that the great grandmother of someone I met at the camp was a Warden. I didn’t manage to find any evidence, but my main characters got a few new powers, which also unlocked the Diabolist achievement, and I’ve found a Warden mage responsible for all the demons. He helped us close the portals and stayed there to research more ethical ways to help the wardens.

Even though there was no evidence of Levi’s grandmother being a Warden, we did find her body being possessed by a demon, so we had to kill her again. Levi decided to stay at the fortress and use it as storage for his merchandise. Pretty soon, I will be able to buy stuff from him there. Anyway, I have my own castle now and I think I did most of the outdoor quests that I’m strong enough for at this point, so it’s time to go find a cure for Arl Eamon.

The Dwarves are on my side now. I had to go on a long trip through the Deep Roads to find the paragon Branka. On the way, I solved a few side quests and realized that Branka went a bit crazy on here expedition. I killed a Broodmother, and found Branka close to her goal of finding the Anvil of Void. She tricked me into passing the gauntlet of traps before the Anvil for her and then tried to convince to take the Anvil in spite of the fact that the golems it creates are made from dwarves that have to die in agony. I decided to not side with her, and go with Caridin, the paragon who originally created the golems and was now a golem himself. We defeated Branka, with the help of her husband (which I didn’t want because he sucks as a tank) and, after forging a crown for the new dwarven king, he threw himself into the lava bellow (or is it magma?).

I decided to give the crown to Bhelen, but now I’m not really sure that was the good choice, because he immediately decided to execute the competition. Still, he wants to move the dwarven society forward, and at least he didn’t cheat in order to get the advantage in the assembly.

After this, I left the dwarven kingdom and gave another shot at Flemeth. Off course, I failed so I guess I’m still not ready for that. Next up, more side quests and then maybe it will be time to go to Denerim.

I decided to get the dwarves next. I got to their mountain city, progressed one of the mercenary quests on the way and managed to piss of a messenger from the “king” while entering the city. Seems the dwarves have a problem to, surprise, surprise. Their king is dead and now 2 guys are interested in the throne. I have to pick one of them to support so, after doing lots of exploration and side quests, I decided to go for the younger, “change is good” type of guy. Now I have to get to the Dead Roads and find some noble that is being cheated by the other guy. I’m not exactly sure how far I need to go, but I will see later today.

I haven’t really played today, but I did play some more yesterday, so I should probably write about that. I tried getting the 3 Juggernaut armor pieces, but I could only get one. The Revenants are simply too strong for my group right now. Maybe if I had a proper healer I would be able to do it, but I really want to keep Morrigan in my group, so I will try again later.

Other than that, I went to a village to get myself a golem, so I can add a bunch of rocks to the list of my party members. It seems like an interesting character, but I’m keeping Alistair for now. Also, I went back to Redcliffe to turn in some mage quests and that’s about it. I have yet to decide where to go next.

I finally got back to this game yesterday and I instantly remembered why I love it so much. Most of yesterday, I have been doing miscellaneous side quests which are not really story related in any way, but do give experience and nice rewards. I have also spent a lot of time talking to my party members, which allowed me to unlock a couple of specializations and start some quests.

Today, however, I decided to progress the story a bit. Since the Brecilian forest was on the way to the town where I am supposed to look for the cure for Arl Eamon, I decided to stop by there. Turns out there was a clan of Dalish elves living there and they are under attack by werevolves. Long story short, I went to the forest, done a few minor quests, killed a crazy hermit and freed the werewolves from the curse that was actually caused by the leader of the elven clan. The leader is dead now and the werewolves are back in their human forms, so I’m on my way back to the elven camp. I’m not really sure how this will play out, being the murderer of their leader and all, but I’m being an optimist. Anyway, I had to take a break here, because I have a WoW raid soon. I will continue later tonight or tomorrow morning.

The game is nowhere near to being completed, but I did make lots of progress. I went to the town of Redcliffe to try and get an ally but it was overrun by the undead. They would come out of the castle every night and no one knew if anyone in there was still alive. After repelling one of the attacks, I decided to get in and see what’s going on. It turns out, the blood mage that I helped escape from the mage tower was hired by the wife of the local lord (can’t remember his name) to try and teach his son magic so he could hide his talents and avoid being drafted by the mages. The kid decided it would be a good idea to bargain with a demon in order to cure his father (who was secretly being poisoned by the blood mage) and, of course, all hell broke loose.

Anyway, I had three options. I could kill the kid, sacrifice his mother to enter the fade and kill the demon, or go to the mage tower and ask for help there. Of course, being a really nice guy, I opted for the third option.

Arriving back at the mages tower, I found out it’s being overrun by abominations created by one of the mages in there. I guess blood magic is really in this year. Anyway, I had to clear the entire tower and save the high enchanter. I also managed to get a new party member. This one is a healer so she was extremely useful throughout the tower. After freeing them, the mages agreed to help me save the kid so that’s the next thing I did. It was a bit hard to battle the demon by myself but luckily I had a bunch of potions that I didn’t use since the beginning of the story, so I managed to brute force her down.

Mind you, all of this happened about a week ago (a day after the last time I posted here) and I haven’t been playing since. Actually, the only thing I’ve been playing was World of Warcraft.

During the last week, I’ve maybe spent a total of an hour on this game so I didn’t make allot of progress. I did some exploring with Bowser, got zapped by the Mushroom Kingdom security system (I think) and then managed to somehow get out of Bowsers body with Mario and Luigi trough one of the pipes he inhaled. It seems these pipes are really technical, because I have no idea how that worked. Anyway, after doing that I also did some exploring with the bros. and managed to get a new item – the blue shell. This allows me to access areas I couldn’t before so I expect some overusing of the new ability for the next hour or two of gameplay.

I’ll be honest here. The game starts out fun (-ny), everything looks like Diablo, you can’t wait for the next drop or a new quest and you really have fun playing it. After a while though, it gets repetitive. Maybe it’s my choice of character, but basically it all became a long string of headshots. The bosses aren’t interesting at all, they feel more annoying. There really isn’t much of a strategy to any of them. They just have loads of health and hit hard. That’s all there is to it. You do a couple of headshots and run behind a wall to recover shields and health. This is mostly all that happens.

Don’t get me wrong, I still plan to complete the game, but I’m not sure it will be this year. The game is still loads of fun, but nowhere nearly as much as it felt like when I started playing it. Anyway, Mordecai is now level 25 and he did a few quests in the new town that followed after The Dahl Headlands. I can’t really remember the name now, but I can tell you the town is big and there are plenty of areas around it, so there is a possibility that this will be THE quest hub for the rest of the game.


Not much train riding lately, so not much DS gameplay either. I managed to rescue the princess but then she got beamed out of Bowser’s body by Fawfull. That’s basically all that happened. It did take a while for me to save the princess though. I had to answer allot of quiz questions correctly and kill a boss in the end. This means Mario and Luigi gained a few levels, and their rank has risen to, so they can both carry 3 different equipment pieces now.

I got this for my sister’s husband who is really new to gaming in general, and role playing games especially. This is why he asked me to also start playing it so I can help him if he runs into trouble. I have to say, I did not regret installing it. It’s basically the closest thing to Baldur’s Gate since Baldur’s Gate.  I started with an elven mage. He did the Harrowing, which is something like a final exam for mages, got recruited to the Grey Wardens and managed to almost die in a battle. Basically, this means I got trough the intro of the game, and now the real thing started. I have to go to a few different nations and force them to honor a contract in which they all promised to help out when the Blight comes again. My party is filling up pretty fast. You can lead 4 characters at a time, but I already have 6 in total.

The game itself is loads of fun. It’s not as hardcore as Baldur’s Gate, but there is lots of strategy involved, unless you play at the easiest difficulty level. The quests almost always have multiple ways to complete them, and the lore is rich and interesting. My guess is Bioware is trying to turn this into a franchise, so we can expect plenty of sequels. The more, the merrier, I say!